My Story:
First of all, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Jerri, and I am a 28 year old mama of 2 boys. It's funny how much of my life is summed up in that one sentence, but that is the main part at least. I chose to write this blog to share my story in hopes to raise clot awareness and if nothing else, connect with others like me. (Always makes you feel better when you know you're not alone)
I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd son in the fall of 2010. Like most women, my pregnancy was "normal" with an extra strong dose of morning sickness that seemed to last the duration. I also had some bleeding throughout the 2nd trimester, so I had an ultra sound at almost every visit just to keep an eye on the baby. He was growing like he should, and things started to even out during the last couple months of the pregnancy.
During the last few weeks of my pregnancy I started to have some leg pain and swelling, but myDrs. insisted that it was just the added weight and fluid retention. I went to bed May 1st early because the pain had gotten worse and I was hoping that sleep would help. I was up and down all night with sharp leg pain and by the next morning I could barely stand or walk on my left leg. It was very swollen and had a purple/blue color to it. I called my OB and they told me to come right in. After seeing the nurse practitioner, she was going to send me home, with instructions to keep my legs elevated and watch for contractions. (Thinking I might be in the first stages of labor). I didn't know it at the time, but if my OB hadn't come into the office at that time, I may not be here today. After a quick glance at my leg, he was convinced it was a DVT and had me rushed to the hospital for an ultra sound.
That was the beginning of a several week whirlwind that I only remember parts of. After having an ultra sound, it was determined that I had a major DVT in my left groin and that it was "baby day". I was prepped and taken into an emergency c-section where Jaxon Shane made his 2 week early arrival. He was taken to the NICU within minutes of the delivery, due to some issues with his breathing. We were told that he would be in the NICU for a few hours but it turned out to be several days. I was taken to recovery and started on a Heparin drip while the Drs. consulted with each other on the best treatment for the clot.
I was in the hospital for 15 days, and thankfully the majority of that time was spent in the maternity unit with Jax. I had 5 different surgeries to remove the clot in my vein, and spent some time in the ICU after 2 of those procedures because they had lines running directly into my leg trying to break up the clot. At the time, very little information was given to me and I was not aware that my life would never be the same again.
They ran blood tests and I was told that this was a one time "fluke" thing because of my pregnancy and that many women get DVTs when they are pregnant. However, even after 5 surgeries to remove the clot, and place stents in my vein....the clot continued to come back. The surgeons decided to place a Green Field Filter in my vena cava, to reduce the risk of a PE and or pieces of clot "jumping up" to my heart or brain. (That's how it was explained to me). As I said, this was all new to me.
After 2 weeks of being in the hospital my patience had run out and all I wanted was to be at home with my new baby!! Even though some of my Dr's protested, I chose to go home, and have 2x daily check ins to receive and regulate the blood thinners I was on. (Lovenox and Warfarin)
***Please check back to read more about me and what I have been through. This is just an intro. I want to use this blog as a teaching tool as well and plan to share the info I have learned, helpful websites and the treatments I am currently undergoing. ***
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